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Timetables & Bookings

All Family Hubs will be closed on Friday 21st March due to a mandatory staff meeting.

 We apologise for the short notice and any inconvenience this causes.


On this page you can find all the timetables for Lewisham Family Hubs.

You can download all the timetables as a PDF here or see individual hubs below.

Some sessions are booked through our partner providers, some are drop-ins and don't need booking and some are booked though our online booking system on this website, please see individual timetable for details.

Deptford Interim

Evelyn Timetable Interim

Ladywell Timetable Interim

KGEB Timetable Interim

Bellingham Timetable Interim

Downham Timetable Interim

Other sites Timetable Interim