Fathers and male care givers
Support for new fathers and male caregivers.
Pregnancy can be a tough time for both parents as lots of new routines and changes arise, alongside the unknown of parenthood. Thankfully there is specific help available for new dads and male caregivers. Find a useful checklist of things to think about on the NHS information for dads and partners webpage.
Being Dad
Being Dad is a support group for new and expectant fathers and male caregivers in Lewisham, designed to help you navigate fatherhood in the most positive way possible. The groups are run by local fathers with both group and drop in sessions. Find out more and sign up to Being Dad.
Future Dads
A one-day course for new and expectant fathers in Lewisham, that demonstrates practical and emotional approaches to take care of themselves, their partner and their baby. Sign-up for Future Dads.