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Welcome to families with children with additional needs up to 25 years

One this page you will find information and links to support if your child or young person has a special educational need or disability or you believe they may need additional support.

Explorers Plus Sessions

This drop-in group is for parents and carers, with a child aged 0-5, who would like support with their child's development. Jointly run with the Portage Team.

Explorers Plus Poster

Are you concerned your child is not meeting their milestones?

  • You are concerned about your child’s speech and language development.
  • You are waiting for an referral to a service at Kaleidoscope.
  • Your child has a social or communication need, developmental delay, physical disability or sensory need.
  • You are concerned about any part of your child’s development.
  • Your child struggles with play.
  • You have struggled to find a Stay & Play session that allows you and your child to play and learn without judgement.

10.00am - 11.30am
Bellingham Family Hub
109 Randlesdown Rd, SE6 3HB

1.00pm - 2.30pm
The Camelot Centre
50 Meliot Road, SE6 1RY

10.00am - 11.30am
Deptford Family Hub
Alverton Street, SE8 5NH

Read more in our blog post.

SEND Advisors

If you are concerned your child is finding aspects of school challenging and you would like support on what provision is available in mainstream schools our SEND Advisors can offer guidance.

SEND Advisors poster

  • Does your child have a special educational need and/or disability (SEND)? 
  • Does your child find aspects of school challenging due to a barrier with their learning? 
  • Ever wondered what support your child can get in school without an EHCP?

If you have answered yes to all three questions, come and speak to a Lewisham SEND Advisor who can offer advice and guidance.

Drop-in sessions on

9.00am - 12.00noon
Bellingham Family Hub
109 Randlesdown Rd, SE6 3HB

9.00am - 12.00noon
Evelyn Family Hub
231 Grove Street, SE8 3PZ

1.00pm - 5.00pm
Downham Family Hub
Shroffold Rd, BR1 5PD

The links below provide information if your child or young person has a special educational need or disability or you believe they may need additional support.

Lewisham Council - Special educational needs and disabilities

Lewisham Council - Lewisham SEND Local Offer

Information for young people with special educational needs and disabilities about jobs, money, housing, community participation and health living is available at Lewisham Council - Preparing young people with SEND for adult life